The thyme in our garden almost always survives winter and come spring, it is so fresh and delicious that I love using it in dressings and marinades, but feel free to substitute any herbs you have on hand. The dandelion leaves are a bitter and the mustard greens a bit spicy, so the honey and grapes add a nice sweet note.

Serves 4-5

2 heads spotted Aleppo lettuce or any bibb lettuce
Couple small bunches volunteer green leaf lettuce or half a head green leaf lettuce
4-6 dandelion leaves
3-4 mustard greens with yellow flowers for the top
Handful of chives, chopped with flowers for the top
10-12 red grapes



4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 tablespoon local raw honey
1 tablespoon minced garden creeping thyme or any thyme
1 tablespoon chopped chives
1/4 teaspoon Utah sea salt or salt mix
Freshly ground black pepper

Wash the greens and spin dry. Tear or chop the greens and place in a medium salad bowl. Add all dressing ingredients into a jar and shake well. Taste for seasoning and refrigerate until ready to use. When ready to toss, add a handful red grapes and sprinkle with the mustard and chive flowers. This dressing is also nice on an Italian grinder!